Nature’s Sunshine Products

At Nature’s Sunshine, uncompromising quality is not an option – it is an obligation. We use only the finest raw materials, gathered from the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Orient, and we boast the largest force of trained Herb Specialists in the world. It’s no wonder our herbs outshine the competition!

NSP has been sharing its unique herbal products for over a quarter of a century. In that time, so many lives have been changed for the better. Whether it’s relief from certain physical ailments you seek, supplements to build the quality of your life or the freedom of financial independence, we feel certain there’s a niche for you at Nature’s Sunshine. So come in and experience our caring, sharing attitude. It’s an opportunity for building health and wealth that could change your life!

Company Story

As a boy, Gene Hughes would often come home from school and smell a pungent aroma even before he stepped into the house. He knew what this meant: his mother was making another one of her garlic sandwiches. “Taking herbs ran in my family,” he says with a smile. Gene learned firsthand their nutritional value.

Later on, Gene found himself with a nagging stomach condition that just wouldn’t go away. It was only natural that he took the advice of a neighbor who suggested he take cayenne pepper to ease his discomfort. It worked! Gene found himself feeling much better.

The only problem was that swallowing a spoonful of cayenne pepper was no easy task. That’s when his wife, Kristine, hit on the idea of putting the powder into an easy-to-swallow gelatin capsule. A revolutionary idea was born. Gene chose to share what he learned with others. He soon enlisted the support of his family, Dick and Pauline Hughes and Jay and Arva Hughes, to begin a small family business.

“We weren’t product driven,” Gene explains. “We focused on helping people.”

Today much has been written about the benefits of herbs like cayenne, but 25 years ago when Gene, Kristine and Pauline started encapsulating herbs and selling them to health food stores, they were pioneers in their field. “Back then, herbs weren’t as well-known as they are today,” says Kristine. “We know what it’s like to be on the fringe. But look at us now: we’re mainstream!”

Kristine is quick to add though, “Nature’s Sunshine has always been about people. Our creed stresses helping others to help themselves to a healthier, happier life. That hasn’t changed.”

Because a legacy of caring and sharing has exemplified the Hughes family business through the years, their NSP family has grown into a worldwide organization. You might say the tradition that Gene’s mother started so long ago has grown to fruition – naturally!